Installing Hedgedoc via docker in your server

Hedgedoc (formerly know as CodiMD) is a great way to keep your own notes.

Create a hedgedoc user

adduser hedgedoc

Install packages

Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed before proceeding.

Switch to the hedgedoc user

sudo su hedgedoc

Clone hedgedoc

git clone hedgedoc-container
cd hedgedoc-container

Change the default configuration

nano docker-compose.yml

Add the following to the environment section:

      # DB_URL is formatted like: <databasetype>://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database>
      # Other examples are:
      # - mysql://hedgedoc:password@database:3306/hedgedoc
      # - sqlite:///data/sqlite.db (NOT RECOMMENDED)
      # - For details see the official sequelize docs:
      - CMD_DOMAIN=192.168.1.x
      - CMD_URL_ADDPORT=true
      - CMD_DB_URL=...
      - CMD_EMAIL=true
      - CMD_IMAGE_UPLOAD_TYPE=filesystem
      - uploads:/he

Enable docker service

systemctl enable docker

Start hedgedoc

docker-compose up

If the above eventually succeeds you'll see listening on port 3000. In that case, run it in the background:

docker-compose up -d
